New Life Church

New Life Church

Churches in Dubuque, IA


Contact us


419 North Grandview,
Dubuque , IA 52001 UNITED STATES

About New Life Church

Real hope. Real people. Real life. Services at 9 and 11 am Sunday.

New Life Church is located in Dubuque, Iowa and offers a number of distinctive features that make it a truly great church. We offer a:

• Casual atmosphere
• Contemporary worship
• Dynamic children's ministry
• Powerful youth and college ministry

New Life Church maintains an exceptional philosophy of ministry. Our weekend services present the timeless truths of Christianity in a way that makes a difference in people’s lives today. Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, you can develop your understanding of Christianity at these services. What’s more, we have a network of small groups that meet throughout the week. These groups promote relationships and spiritual growth. Take a moment to visit our informative website above this profile for more information about our church, or philosophy and our services and our service times.

Why not join us this Sunday and find our more?


New Life Church 563-556-5090
419 North Grandview,
Dubuque , IA 52001 UNITED STATES
New Life Church

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New Life Church
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New Life Church

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