Graceland Daycare and Preschool

Graceland Daycare and Preschool

Child Care and Day Care Centers in Clearfield, UT

Child Care and Day Care Centers Schools

Contact us


279 E 1900 S,
Clearfield , UT 84015 UNITED STATES

About Graceland Daycare and Preschool

I know being a mother sending your little ones away can be a little scary, let us give you comfort in knowing they are home away from home. We believe in structure and learning but most of all being children and having fun. We don't do any contracts because we believe if you and your child feel safe and are happy we don't need Contracts to keep you. We do preschool activties base on the childs age with no extra fees. We have story and singing time daily with all ages. We take infant to school age children. We don't have as many children so more one on one time for each child. Fulltime, partime or temporary available at low rates (discount for multiple children). Healthy meals and snacks included. Please call and stop by for a visit. We are located right off Antelope close to Freeport Center and freeway. Also we're not far from HAFB. I can provide references from current daycare parents some have been sending their children here for years. . We have current openings that will fill up quick, even if you don't need daycare til end of summer call now to get your spot.


Graceland Daycare and Preschool 801-645-0381
279 E 1900 S,
Clearfield , UT 84015 UNITED STATES
Graceland Daycare and Preschool

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Graceland Daycare and Preschool
Child Care and Day Care Centers
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Graceland Daycare and Preschool

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