Rose Law APC

Rose Law APC

Lawyers and Law Firms in Ventura, CA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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1500 Palma Drive,
Ventura , CA 93003 UNITED STATES

About Rose Law APC

"Working Hard for Working People."

Rose Law, APC handles legal matters in California involving labor and employment law and litigation, representing mostly employee-plaintiffs, labor organizations, and labor unions, in cases involving unlawful harassment, retaliation, discrimination, wage `and overtime disputes, defense of public safety officers, defense of licensed professionals, defense of healthcare professionals, whistleblower and qui tam actions.

The attorneys of Rose Law also defend their clients against criminal charges adversely impacting their professional licenses or employment, which provides an important level of coordination between the criminal, civil, and adminstrative aspects of a person's case improving the probability of a successful outcome.

Rose Law's cases routinely involve negotiation, mediation, private arbitration, administrative trials before judges, boards or commissions, and bench or jury trials in civil and criminal courts.


Rose Law APC 805-512-9510
1500 Palma Drive,
Ventura , CA 93003 UNITED STATES
Rose Law APC

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