Infistone Concrete & Design

Infistone Concrete & Design

Contractors in Lexington, KY


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Southport Dr ,
Lexington , KY 40503 UNITED STATES

About Infistone Concrete & Design

Infistone - Concrete & Design is a concrete countertop company located in Lexington, Kentucky, specializing in custom concrete design and fabrication of kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities. Infistone is now serving Lexington, KY, Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH for concrete kitchen counter tops, bathroom vanity top, integral sinks. and concrete furniture. Infistone works with homeowners, businesses, builders, designers and architects to create a functional design piece for your home or business.


Infistone Concrete & Design 859-312-0072
Southport Dr ,
Lexington , KY 40503 UNITED STATES
Infistone Concrete & Design

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Infistone Concrete & Design
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kitchen countertops tampa,  bathroom countertops,  concrete countertops kitchen counters
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Infistone Concrete & Design

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