Rincon Mexicano

Rincon Mexicano

Restaurants in Lexington, KY

Restaurants Caterers Tex-Mex Restaurants

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3901 Harrodsburg Rd, 180
Lexington , KY 40513 UNITED STATES

About Rincon Mexicano

At our second location, you can come and enjoy authentic Mexican food. We have all your favorite dishes as well as monthly specials for lunch and dinner! We have all the best seafood too at our Mexican restaurant. We also have a large patio to enjoy during warmer months. Our gift shop is also perfect place for decor or presents for any occasion. The restaurant will have live music as well. Check back for updates. Call and make your reservation now!


Rincon Mexicano 859-219-0181
3901 Harrodsburg Rd, 180
Lexington , KY 40513 UNITED STATES
Rincon Mexicano

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Rincon Mexicano

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