Rug and Carpet Cleaning in Arcadia, California
Rug and Carpet Cleaning
50 Wheeler Ave,
Arcadia ,
25 years of carpet cleaning company in the Arcadia area. We use all green solutions to eliminate all stains
Based on 2 reviews
Thanks to "When Clean Meets Green" my carpets not only smell so goooood, they look so gooood. They eliminated all of the stains from my carpets all the pet stains, wine stains, coffee stains and dirt stains. They eliminated them all! The process of cleaning this company does a steam cleaning which I think is the most effective cleaning out there and the fact that they use all green solutions to eliminate all of the stains is a BIG plus for me having babies and dogs running around..
Having three dogs is no easy task and when it came to my carpet, they made sure they eliminated all of the stains. this company really know what they are doing. I am more than happy with the end results I am in awe that they were able to eliminate all of the pet stains, and this company also got rid the smell
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