Caring By Angels for Haiti,Inc

Caring By Angels for Haiti,Inc

Associations & Professional Organizations in Clermont, FL

Associations & Professional Organizations Charities and Charitable Foundations Non For Profit Organizations

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9606 nellie tr.,
Clermont , FL 34711 UNITED STATES

About Caring By Angels for Haiti,Inc

The purpose of Caring By The Angels for Haiti, Inc. is to provide welfare to the mentally ill, substance abusers, poor, and distressed citizens of Haiti. This organization will distribute clothing, food, and finances to these individuals. With that, we have a hope of decreasing the poverty and increasing the security in the country. With additional funding, we hope to provide a small nursing home for the elderly because they are unable to take care of themselves when they cannot any longer perform work.

Caring By The Angels for Haiti, Inc is a compassionate, capable individuals that would be ready to help us of serving those in greatest need. We would be dedicated staff that can bring relief to poverty-stricken communities. If you’re someone who feels a call to serve the poor by offering time and talent in one of the jobs listed below, we encourage you to apply — just submit your resume electronically to us Thank you for your interest!


Caring By Angels for Haiti,Inc 352-989-5073
9606 nellie tr.,
Clermont , FL 34711 UNITED STATES
Caring By Angels for Haiti,Inc

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Caring By Angels for Haiti,Inc
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Caring By Angels for Haiti,Inc

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