Bridgewater Motor Works

Bridgewater Motor Works

Auto Repair in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

Contact us


400 East Center Street,
West Bridgewater , Massachusetts 02379 UNITED STATES

About Bridgewater Motor Works

Established in 1984, Bridgewater Motor Works, LTD. has grown to be one of the largest and best equipped European auto services and repair center in southeastern Massachusetts. At Bridgewater Motor Works, LTD. we have a small focus of foreign automobiles: Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, Saab, Mini, Volkswagen and Volvo, but we have a wealth of knowledge!

Bridgewater Motor Works, LTD. is backed by a team of dedicated and experienced technicians. Our large inventory of original equipment manufacturer parts, the latest technical information, coupled with an abundance of special tools allows us to provide our customers with efficient and reliable automotive maintenance, service and repair. The Bridgewater Motor Works, LTD. team is devoted to providing our customers with excellence, proven in the quality of our work. We are timely, honest and dependable; a wonderful alternative to the new age car dealerships!

We want you to leave Bridgewater Motor Works, LTD. feeling the way you did when you first purchased your vehicle. That is why we promise to provide you with honest and fair assessments, practical solutions for your current needs and detailed inspections of your vehicles performance; your safety is our first priority.



Bridgewater Motor Works 508-588-0220
400 East Center Street,
West Bridgewater , Massachusetts 02379 UNITED STATES
Bridgewater Motor Works

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Bridgewater Motor Works
Auto Repair
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foreign car repair,  auto repair,  auto parts bmw service
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Bridgewater Motor Works

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