Capitol City Uniforms and Equipment, LLC

Capitol City Uniforms and Equipment, LLC

Business Consulting and Services in Elk Grove, CA

Business Consulting and Services Clothing Police

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8470 Elk Grove Blvd., Ste.150,
Elk Grove , CA 95758 UNITED STATES

About Capitol City Uniforms and Equipment, LLC

We provide uniforms for national, state and local law enforcement agencies including U.S. Postal Service, CHP, CDCR, Police, Sheriff departments, CA Food and Agriculture and other law enforcement agencies.

Our uniforms, footwear and leather accessories supplies City and State departments, security companies, maintenance workers, restaurants, labs, medical offices, corporate branding, team uniforms.

We sell law enforcement equipment, but this is special order. Things like rescue bags, flight helmets, flight gloves, etc.


Capitol City Uniforms and Equipment, LLC 916-683-9660
8470 Elk Grove Blvd., Ste.150,
Elk Grove , CA 95758 UNITED STATES
Capitol City Uniforms and Equipment, LLC

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Capitol City Uniforms and Equipment, LLC
Business Consulting and Services
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Capitol City Uniforms and Equipment, LLC

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