Jackson's Dance & Theatre Co.

Jackson's Dance & Theatre Co.

Arts & Entertainment in Plano, TX

Arts & Entertainment Performing Arts

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6205 Coit Rd, St 170
Plano , TX 75024 UNITED STATES

About Jackson's Dance & Theatre Co.

What if I told you that there was a Dance Studio that required no dance recital or costume fees; that concentrated on the performance experience for children and adults alike? Would you believe it? Jackson's Dance & Theatre Company views the way dance and theatre are taught through a whole new lens. For a start, they have eliminated the word "recital," and instead offer original shows in which the students themselves contribute and build. This venue's added bonus is that it uses live bands instead of track music! This is a dance experience in a new and exciting package.


Jackson's Dance & Theatre Co. 972-964-5225
6205 Coit Rd, St 170
Plano , TX 75024 UNITED STATES
Jackson's Dance & Theatre Co.

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Jackson's Dance & Theatre Co.
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Jackson's Dance & Theatre Co.

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