Go Local Go Smart

Go Local Go Smart

Financial Services in Santa Fe, NM

Financial Services Business Consulting and Services

Contact us


1000 Cordova Place #240,
Santa Fe , NM 87505 UNITED STATES

About Go Local Go Smart

Go Local Go Smart is a division of Process Local, Founded in 2006. Go Local Go Smart is THE Smart choice in iPad Point of sale, and offers a complete solution to run your business from an iPad. Experience real- time reporting from any web browser. Ring sales, manage inventory, process credit cards, schedule and track employees, market to customers, print orders to the kitchen, receipts to the customer, Track Tips. Set up your first register/station for $0.00 dollars a month. Go Local Go Smart!


Go Local Go Smart 800-831-5170
1000 Cordova Place #240,
Santa Fe , NM 87505 UNITED STATES
Go Local Go Smart

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Go Local Go Smart
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Go Local Go Smart

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