Pure Health Chiropractic

Pure Health Chiropractic

Beauty & Spas in Minneapolis, MN

Beauty & Spas Chiropractors Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine

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125 SE Main St,
Minneapolis , MN 55414 UNITED STATES

About Pure Health Chiropractic

Pure Health Chiropractic Finds the Root of the problem!

Dr. Mancini believes our society has become one of “quick fixes” that focus on concealing symptoms with pharmaceuticals. While these methods may temporarily provide relief and are necessary in certain cases, they do not address the true cause of the pain, whether it is neurological, musculoskeletal, or nutritional. Treating only symptoms and not correcting the cause of pain often leads to symptoms resurfacing when getting back into the activities, repetitive positions, or traumas that initially caused the pain. Dr. Mancini will find the root diagnosis and treat the underlying issues.

By addressing the actual cause of pain now, Dr. Mancini helps put his patients on the path to recovering from pain, while restoring their enjoyment of life.


Pure Health Chiropractic 612-378-9355
125 SE Main St,
Minneapolis , MN 55414 UNITED STATES
Pure Health Chiropractic

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Beauty & Spas
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