EZ Locksmith Service

EZ Locksmith Service

Local Services in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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4970 SW 31st Ter,
Fort Lauderdale , Florida 33312 UNITED STATES

About EZ Locksmith Service

Our company proudly provides locksmith services to all of south Florida residents for over 7 years !!! we strive for perfection and ultimate professionalism and do our best to satisfy our customer's needs and financial abilities. Our technicians are highly trained and work with the finest state of the art equipment to deliver a fast reliable service at all fields of the trade. we provide warranty for our parts and labor to assure our customer peace of mind and our well kept reputation. we provide a 24hr a day service so you can depend on us for all your locksmith needs day and night, for emergency and non emergency situations, we work hard for you. Our company is based in Fort Lauderdale where we provide a local immediate service among a few more selected cities Hollywood Aventura and Pompano Beach, where we provide a record response time of 15min !!! for most calls. Locksmith Services made EZ for you !!!


EZ Locksmith Service 786-380-2334
4970 SW 31st Ter,
Fort Lauderdale , Florida 33312 UNITED STATES
EZ Locksmith Service

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EZ Locksmith Service
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EZ Locksmith Service

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