Healthcare Data Systems Inc.

Healthcare Data Systems Inc.

Hospitals and Medical Centers in Nashotah, WI

Hospitals and Medical Centers

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N45 W33490 Wisconsin Ave,
Nashotah , WI 53058 UNITED STATES

About Healthcare Data Systems Inc.

Amazon began rubbing the noses of the Big Six - Random House, Simon & Schuster (CBS), Harper Collins, Penguin (PSO), Hachette (MMB:FP) and Macmillan - in muck in November, 2007 when Jeffrey P. Bezos, founder, president, chief executive officer (CEO), and chairman of the board of Amazon unveiled the Kindle and proclaimed to these Big Six publishers that Amazon would sell their big-name authors' titles as ebooks for $9.99, a highly discounted price from most top-selling hardcover books.


Healthcare Data Systems Inc. 888-282-1209
N45 W33490 Wisconsin Ave,
Nashotah , WI 53058 UNITED STATES
Healthcare Data Systems Inc.

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Healthcare Data Systems Inc.
Hospitals and Medical Centers
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Healthcare Data Systems Inc.

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