Alexander, Corder, Plunk & Shelly Pc

Alexander, Corder, Plunk & Shelly Pc

Lawyers and Law Firms in Athens, AL

Lawyers and Law Firms

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215 S. Jefferson St,
Athens , AL 35611 UNITED STATES

About Alexander, Corder, Plunk & Shelly Pc

We have been a trusted and valued North Babylon real estate brand for decades and we are committed to finding our clients the perfect piece of property. If you are selling your home, we have a dynamic home sales team who will make sure your home gets the attention of serious buyers.


Alexander, Corder, Plunk & Shelly Pc 256-274-4146
215 S. Jefferson St,
Athens , AL 35611 UNITED STATES
Alexander, Corder, Plunk & Shelly Pc

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Alexander, Corder, Plunk & Shelly Pc
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Alexander, Corder, Plunk & Shelly Pc

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