The Law Offices of Travis Koon

The Law Offices of Travis Koon

Lawyers and Law Firms in Jacksonville, FL

Lawyers and Law Firms

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841 Prudential Dr, 12 Floor
Jacksonville , FL 32207 UNITED STATES

About The Law Offices of Travis Koon

We are a full service law firm that provides representation in Criminal Defense, Bankruptcy, Personal Injury and Commercial Litigation. We provide a high level of customer service, and provide client\'s with one on one attorney time. All cases are handled directly by our experience attorneys.


The Law Offices of Travis Koon 904-239-5312
841 Prudential Dr, 12 Floor
Jacksonville , FL 32207 UNITED STATES
The Law Offices of Travis Koon

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The Law Offices of Travis Koon
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The Law Offices of Travis Koon

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