Nothern Foot and Ankle

Nothern Foot and Ankle

Doctors in Alpena, MI


Contact us


321 Long Rapids Plaza,
Alpena , MI 49707 UNITED STATES

About Nothern Foot and Ankle

Welcome to Nothern Foot and Ankle!

The knowledge, training, and experience of Dr. Pilichowski has made him a respected member of the medical community, and he always provides the time needed to answer questions about your diagnosis, treatment options, and strategies to prevent problems in the future with your feet.

We use the most advanced technology to provide the best care to you and your family so whatever your foot and ankle problem, or if you need foot surgery, we will find the answer that will bring you relief.

We invite you to call our office to schedule an appointment.


Nothern Foot and Ankle 989-303-3960
321 Long Rapids Plaza,
Alpena , MI 49707 UNITED STATES
Nothern Foot and Ankle

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