Bunting's Garage

Bunting's Garage

Auto Repair in Dagsboro, DE

Auto Repair Towing Contractors

Contact us


28502 Carebear Ln,
Dagsboro , DE 19939 UNITED STATES

About Bunting's Garage

Bunting's Garage is a family owned and operated towing company that has been serving the Southern Delmarva Peninsula since 1972. Our fleet of 15 trucks is capable of handling any size job from motorcycles to large construction equipment. We specialize in heavy towing of tractor trailers, large vehicles and construction equipment. We are also heavy duty recovery specialists including hazmat and aircraft. We also handle fleet maintenance and DOT inspections. Bunting's Garage uses only professional drivers who have extensive training and over 150 years of combined experience. The drivers are all licensed and insured and have undergone extensive background checks and drug screening. Call us today for your hauling and towing needs. For impound information, click on the Impound Page. If your vehicle has been impounded or towed by Bunting's Garage, please read the following information to retrieve your vehicle or articles from your vehicle. Please note that you must have a police release form before your vehicle or any items can be released. If you have been involved in an accident, contact your insurance company first to determine if you have full coverage, if the towing charges are covered and how the vehicle will be handled. If your insurance company is going to handle the vehicle, please call and notify us. If your vehicle is not paid for and removed from the lot within a reasonable amount of time, we are permitted to dispose of the vehicle to obtain towing and storage fees with proper notification to the owner.


Bunting's Garage 302-732-9021
28502 Carebear Ln,
Dagsboro , DE 19939 UNITED STATES
Bunting's Garage

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Bunting's Garage
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Bunting's Garage

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