Northeastern Center In-Patient Services

Northeastern Center In-Patient Services

Counseling & Mental Health in Auburn, IN

Counseling & Mental Health Lawyers and Law Firms Community Service Organizations

Contact us


1850 Wesley Rd,
Auburn , IN 46706 UNITED STATES

About Northeastern Center In-Patient Services

Mission: EasternCenter helps individuals achieve emotional and mental wholeness through accessible, affordable and quality behavioral health services.

Vision: provide caring and supportive environment where individuals can: Achieve their full potential, Give and receive respect, Develop personal responsibility and self-determination

The Northeastern Center is an organization which...

The Northeastern Center's 13 Board of Directors consist three members each from the communities of DeKalb, LaGrange, Noble and Steuben Counties as well as 1 at-large member. These Directors take a personal interest in mental health and related issues and are accountable for Center activities, goals, and values; form policy; and provide counsel to and assesses the performance of the CEO.

Northeastern Center is accredited by CARF, The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. CARF is a private not-for-profit organization that establishes standards of quality for organizations to use as guidelines in developing and offering services to consumers.

The active volunteers provide thousands of hours of beneficial services to the Northeastern Center and its consumers each year. A wide variety of opportunities are available to individuals or groups wanting to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Client transportation, clerical support, public relations, staff substitution, plays and projects await the individual that volunteers.

The Northeastern Center assists qualified customers (based on income and family size) with applying for financial support through The Hoosier Assurance Plan (HAP).


Northeastern Center In-Patient Services 260-927-0726
1850 Wesley Rd,
Auburn , IN 46706 UNITED STATES
Northeastern Center In-Patient Services

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Northeastern Center In-Patient Services
Counseling & Mental Health
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Northeastern Center In-Patient Services

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