Alice's Montessori Learning Centers Inc.

Alice's Montessori Learning Centers Inc.

Education in Pleasant Hill, CA

Education Schools

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105 Astrid Drive,
Pleasant Hill , CA 94523 UNITED STATES

About Alice's Montessori Learning Centers Inc.

Preschool Lesson Plans are a great idea for any preschool educator or homeschooler of a preschooler. There are many free sites online to get many resources and I find these helpful as well. However I find it's great to have a curriculum to go by to ensure you are covering a wide variety of subjects. The preschool years are a vital time of learning.


Alice's Montessori Learning Centers Inc. 925-267-8617
105 Astrid Drive,
Pleasant Hill , CA 94523 UNITED STATES
Alice's Montessori Learning Centers Inc.

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Alice's Montessori Learning Centers Inc.
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kindergarten math,  preschool lesson,  preschool programs
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Alice's Montessori Learning Centers Inc.

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