Christopher A. Spedding Attorney At Law

Christopher A. Spedding Attorney At Law

Lawyers and Law Firms in Lexington, KY

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269 W. Main St,
Lexington , KY 40507 UNITED STATES

About Christopher A. Spedding Attorney At Law

The local residents in the area claimed that there have been at least four accidents in the past six months owing to the mixed up street signs at the intersection. Motorists at the West Point Loma going west, can either turn left or go straight while the cars going in opposite direction have no way to know that there stands a yield sign ahead and may take it as a STOP sign.


Christopher A. Spedding Attorney At Law 859-428-7563
269 W. Main St,
Lexington , KY 40507 UNITED STATES
Christopher A. Spedding Attorney At Law

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