Junk Magic

Junk Magic

Home Services in Keller, TX

Home Services Business To Business House Cleaning

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518 Edgebrook Av,
Keller , TX 76248 UNITED STATES

About Junk Magic

many people have made a business out of collecting. These are any old metal and the only difference between these metals are the prices. The more money that you will make on yours depends on what metals you have for sale. Old metals such as: cars and car parts are seen as those are anything electronically. They can be: hard drives, computer wires, mainframes, whole computers, Hitachi, power supplies, circuit boards, floppy drives, transformers, printers, targets, monitors, and telephone replays.


Junk Magic 817-381-2680
518 Edgebrook Av,
Keller , TX 76248 UNITED STATES
Junk Magic

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Junk Magic
Home Services
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junk and scrap,  rubbish removal,  duct repairs
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Junk Magic

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