Citrus Valley Medical Associates

Citrus Valley Medical Associates

Health and Medical in Corona, CA

Health and Medical Hospitals and Medical Centers

Contact us


1820 Fullerton Ave., Suite 340,
Corona , CA 92881 UNITED STATES

About Citrus Valley Medical Associates

A particularly potent strain of influenza A is spreading around the country and making millions of Americans sick. While this was not an entirely unexpected outcome (the Centers for Disease Control warned that 2012-2013 would be a bad year), many individuals have been caught off guard. This year's flu season poses a challenge for those patients who may wonder whether they should rush off to an urgent care or emergency department to seek treatment.


Citrus Valley Medical Associates 951-588-5259
1820 Fullerton Ave., Suite 340,
Corona , CA 92881 UNITED STATES
Citrus Valley Medical Associates

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Company name
Citrus Valley Medical Associates
Health and Medical
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urgent care,  medical center,  urgent care centers
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Citrus Valley Medical Associates

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