Village Auto Works Roseville

Village Auto Works Roseville

Auto Repair in Roseville, MN

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Car Trouble? We fix everything!
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What we offer

  • Auto AC Service
  • Engine Repair
  • Exhaust Repair
  • Transmission Repair
  • Brake Repair
  • Diesel Repair
  • Check Engine Light
  • Emission Service
  • Computer Diagnostics
  • Preventative Maintenance


2760 Fairview Ave N.,
Roseville , MN 55113 UNITED STATES

About Village Auto Works Roseville

Auto Repair and Transmission Service
Serving St. Paul, Minneapolis and Roseville, and Woodbury, MN for Over 30 Years

With two convenient locations in Roseville and Woodbury, Village Autoworks is the trusted source for auto repair and transmission repair. Our auto mechanics are all ASE-Certified Master technicians with a reputation for excellence in both auto repair and transmissions. Village Autoworks is a family-owned and operated business, and the leadership of our father and son duo manages our auto repair facilities like a well-oiled machine.

Rich Fearing, the founder of Village Autoworks, began his journey in the automotive industry by leaning over his father’s shoulders, watching him fix cars. Soon enough, he became the go-to auto mechanic for all his friends before he even graduated high school. Eventually, the challenge of transmissions caught his eye. Transmissions, an incredibly complicated piece of machinery with over 1000 parts, lured him into the specialization of this component of your vehicle. Recognizing there was a significant need for accurate and thorough auto repair and transmission repair, he opened up Village Transmission in 1983, and he hasn’t looked back since.

Because of Rich’s yearning to push Village Autoworks in Roseville to be the absolute best it can be, his facility is constantly on the cutting-edge. Village Autoworks expanded to include a second location in Woodbury beginning in 2004. The term “like father like son” has significant meaning at Village Autoworks. Rich’s son, Calvin Fearing, was traveling down a different career path until he realized how much he missed his time spent at the auto repair and transmission repair shops. Now, the father and son team create a sincerely warm and kind atmosphere. However, Rich Fearing’s and his team’s story doesn’t end there. We look forward to many more years ahead, as the auto repair and transmission industry continues to grow and expand.

At Village Autoworks, we don’t just strive to be the best, but we aim to be the best of the best in each aspect of our operation. From our top-notch auto repair to complimentary loaner vehicles, we aim to deliver you an unrivaled experience. When you combine our drive for excellence with our sincere concern for the safety of you and your family, Village Autoworks quickly becomes the outlier among shops in both Roseville and Woodbury. Call Village Autoworks or schedule an appointment online. We have two convenient locations: in Roseville at 2760 Fairview Ave. N., Roseville, MN 55113 and in Woodbury at 8276 Hudson Road, Suite 100, Woodbury, MN 55125.


Village Auto Works Roseville


Village Auto Works Roseville 651-636-0641
2760 Fairview Ave N.,
Roseville , MN 55113 UNITED STATES
Village Auto Works Roseville

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Village Auto Works Roseville
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Village Auto Works Roseville

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