Lawyers and Law Firms in Scottsdale, AZ
Lawyers and Law Firms
7047 E Greenway Parkway, Suite 140,
Scottsdale ,
Success depends on the company you keep.
John Vingelli from the Law Offices of Vingelli and Company has devoted his practice to helping aggrieved parties - both as a personal injury attorney, appeals attorney, and as a criminal prosecutor.
He recently successfully argued the Supreme Court drug ruling, "Gipson vs. Casey."
He has substantial and successful jury trial experience. John has dedicated his civil practice to personal injury cases including medical malpractice, wrongful death, nursing home litigation, and catastrophic injuries. He has experience defending civil cases in the arenas of medical malpractice and nursing home negligence.
John has served as Assistant Bureau Chief at the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, and was recognized on multiple occasions for outstanding dedication to duty. He has worked with the Maricopa Attorney's Speaker's Bureau, educating the public about common legal issues and misconceptions.
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