Duane Drake MD

Duane Drake MD

Doctors in Scottsdale, AZ


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10210 N 92 St Ste 300,
Scottsdale , AZ 85258 UNITED STATES

About Duane Drake MD

The Institute For Developmental Behavioral Neurology

Since 1969, Dr. Duane has worked with the focal dystonia of spasmodic torticollis. While at Mayo Clinic he assembled a team which evolved a system of diagnosis and treatment for focal dystonia. Observations regarding these disorders including tremor, Tourette's syndrome and scoliosis have stimulated theories as to why these conditions occur.

A rich experience has led to a practical system of assessment and treatment. This system has been brought to Scottsdale as the Arizona Dystonia Institute. This institute is a collaboration of professionals in medicine, speech and language, physical therapy, and pain control, working to effectively diagnose and treat heretofore perplexing and agonizing movement disorders.


Duane Drake MD 480-860-1222
10210 N 92 St Ste 300,
Scottsdale , AZ 85258 UNITED STATES
Duane Drake MD

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