Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church

Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church

Churches in Mcdonough, GA


Contact us


2400 Highway 42 N,
Mcdonough , GA 30253 UNITED STATES

About Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church

We know that you may have a number of Milwaukee churches to choose from, but we are a Bible-believing apostolic church focusing on the word of God as written in the scriptures. Our Christian ministry values each member and wishes to help all find the joy they are looking for when attending Sunday service, so come to us to find a caring Christian church that is close to home.


Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church 678-348-6600
2400 Highway 42 N,
Mcdonough , GA 30253 UNITED STATES
Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church

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Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church
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Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church

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