Utica Chiropractic

Utica Chiropractic

Chiropractors in Utica, NY


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2700 Genesee S,
Utica , NY 13502 UNITED STATES

About Utica Chiropractic

Dealing with back, neck or limb pain can be debilitating. Whether you suffered a rotator cuff injury during a sports game or you have lower back pain after an accident, you’ll get the help you need from the specialist at Utica Chiropractic in New York.

Our chiropractor has the skills and experience to take away your back, neck or limb pain caused by spinal injuries. If you’re tired of suffering in pain, get the help you need by scheduling a consultation with Utica Chiropractic in New York.


Utica Chiropractic 315-732-0212
2700 Genesee S,
Utica , NY 13502 UNITED STATES
Utica Chiropractic

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