Good Samaritan Vet

Good Samaritan Vet

Veterinarians in San Leandro, CA


Contact us


14100 E 14th St,
San Leandro , CA 94578 UNITED STATES

About Good Samaritan Vet

We know how special your pet is!
Good Samaritan is a full service companion animal hospital. Our services and facilities are designed to assist in:

-Routine preventative care for young healthy pets
-Early detection and treatment of disease as your pet ages
-Complete medical and surgical care as necessary during his or her lifetime.

Our Doctors and staff genuinely care about each patient and are happy to make the extra effort to be sure that your questions are answered and that your pet gets the care that he/she deserves.


Good Samaritan Vet 510-732-4940
14100 E 14th St,
San Leandro , CA 94578 UNITED STATES
Good Samaritan Vet

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Good Samaritan Vet

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