Peter W. Worth D.D.S.

Peter W. Worth D.D.S.

Dentists in Roseville, CA


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1431 Secret Ravine Parkway, Suite 151,
Roseville , CA 95661 UNITED STATES

About Peter W. Worth D.D.S.

Some persons may inherit from their parents, teeth irregularities or problems such as misalignment, tooth crowding, and crooked tooth. This is observed in children from ages six to twelve years old. There are several causes for an imperfect bite such as misaligned jaw, extra teeth, overcrowding of the teeth, and during and beyond infancy habits such as thumb-sucking. Dentists recommend that one should seek correction between the ages 8 to 14 years old in order to achieve the best results.


Peter W. Worth D.D.S. 916-229-9266
1431 Secret Ravine Parkway, Suite 151,
Roseville , CA 95661 UNITED STATES
Peter W. Worth D.D.S.

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Peter W. Worth D.D.S.

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