Fabio & Merrill Attorneys At Law

Fabio & Merrill Attorneys At Law

Lawyers and Law Firms in Houston, TX

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Twelve Greenway Plaza, Suite 101,
Houston , TX 77046 UNITED STATES

About Fabio & Merrill Attorneys At Law

Your divorce lawyer should be just that; a divorce lawyer, not an estate lawyer or a contract lawyer or a criminal defense lawyer. Hiring a lawyer in general practice is not a good idea, either. The attorney you hire should be specialized in family law and divorce law. While you may have complete faith in an attorney who has handled your estate issues or drawn up your will, he or she is not necessarily the best choice to handle your divorce.


Fabio & Merrill Attorneys At Law 713-367-1918
Twelve Greenway Plaza, Suite 101,
Houston , TX 77046 UNITED STATES
Fabio & Merrill Attorneys At Law

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