Pathkare Irvine

Pathkare Irvine

Hospitals and Medical Centers in Irvine, CA

Hospitals and Medical Centers

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113 Waterworks Way, Suite 340 ,
Irvine , CA 92618 UNITED STATES

About Pathkare Irvine

Pathkare Inc. provide high quality pathology services to our clinicians and their patients focusing on Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) Biopsy with and without ultrasound guidance, biopsies of all organ systems, and surgical specimens procured at outpatient surgical centers.


Pathkare Irvine 714-972-2705
113 Waterworks Way, Suite 340 ,
Irvine , CA 92618 UNITED STATES
Pathkare Irvine

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Pathkare Irvine
Hospitals and Medical Centers
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biopsy testing,  pathology
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Pathkare Irvine

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