MCH ProCare Odessa Internal Medicine Associates

MCH ProCare Odessa Internal Medicine Associates

Doctors in Odessa, TX


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8050 E. Highway 191, Suites 200 & 201
Odessa , TX 79765 UNITED STATES

About MCH ProCare Odessa Internal Medicine Associates

MCH ProCare provides comprehensive adult primary care, which includes but not limited to minor acute illnesses, diabetes care, blood pressure management, cholesterol management and other chronic disease management. Call the office for more information.


MCH ProCare Odessa Internal Medicine Associates 432-337-5411
8050 E. Highway 191, Suites 200 & 201
Odessa , TX 79765 UNITED STATES
MCH ProCare Odessa Internal Medicine Associates

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MCH ProCare Odessa Internal Medicine Associates
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MCH ProCare Odessa Internal Medicine Associates

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