Resendez Painting

Resendez Painting

Auto Repair in Yakima, WA

Auto Repair

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407 S. Delmar,
Yakima , WA 98902 UNITED STATES

About Resendez Painting

Resendez Painting is a locally owned and operated company with over 15 years industry experience. We promise you simplicity and the highest quality workmanship. We have the expertise and the experience to help you with the details, and the willingness to take care of it all from start to finish. We offer our services and are not only confident we can do the job and do it well, but with a guarantee that you will be personally satisfied with any work that we do for you. Plus, with our two-year full coverage warranty, that satisfaction is going to last a long time. With our expertise, we can tackle whatever work you might have for us. Give us a call today for a free estimate and experience the pro difference for yourself.


Resendez Painting 509-910-0882
407 S. Delmar,
Yakima , WA 98902 UNITED STATES
Resendez Painting

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Resendez Painting
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