Franklin Headstart Center

Franklin Headstart Center

Child Care and Day Care Centers in Franklin, NC

Child Care and Day Care Centers Community Service Organizations Career Education (continuing Education)

Contact us


350 Orchard View Dr,
Franklin , NC 28734 UNITED STATES

About Franklin Headstart Center

To Nurture Healthy Growth and Learning in Children

Welcome to Macon Program for Progress

The mission of Macon Program for Progress is to increase self-reliance and improve the quality of life for individuals and families in Macon County.

Guiding Principles:
?We value caring. We believe in helping others find hope and success.
?We value integrity. We are committed and fully accountable to our clients, funding agencies, and community partners.
?We value knowledge and experience. We believe that learning is an ongoing process for our staff, clients, and community.
?We value professionalism. We demonstrate the highest quality of organization and accountability throughout our agency.
Child Care

NC Pre-K is a program of the Division of Child Development and Early Education in the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. NC Pre-K provides high-quality education experiences to enhance school readiness for eligible four year olds. NC Pre-K serves children in a full school day, for the full school year. The NC Pre-K is 6 hours per day, 5 days a week for 180 days a year at Macon Program for Progress. It is integrated with the Head Start program. NC Pre-K is a state funded program. The NC Pre-K classrooms sue the Creative Curriculum, and the North Carolina Foundations. Children must be four years of age by August 31 of the program year, and they will be entering kindergarten the following year. Family income, limited English proficiency, identified disabilities, chronic health condition, developmental or educational needs and has at least one parent or legal guardian who is an active duty member of the armed forces of the United Sates, the North Carolina National Guard or other state military forces or a Reserve Unit of the Armed force are factors that help children receive the NC Pre-K services. Priority is given to eligible children who have not been served in any other preschool or child care program. Staff in these classrooms will hold a min...


Franklin Headstart Center 828-369-3728
350 Orchard View Dr,
Franklin , NC 28734 UNITED STATES
Franklin Headstart Center

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Franklin Headstart Center
Child Care and Day Care Centers
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Franklin Headstart Center

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