The Bike Shop

The Bike Shop

Bicycling in Ormond Beach, FL


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39 S. Yonge St,
Ormond Beach , FL 32174 UNITED STATES

About The Bike Shop

Of course, those scenes were based on something that was already taking place. Generally it is recognized that BMX as a sport found its footing in California. The bicycle races were predominantly composed of kids who had the desire to participate in motocross but could not afford it. Instead, these riders would groom their own dirt courses and use their bikes. Today's BMX racing tracks, with inline starts and expressive obstacles, trace back to this origin.


The Bike Shop 888-496-1080
39 S. Yonge St,
Ormond Beach , FL 32174 UNITED STATES
The Bike Shop

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The Bike Shop
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The Bike Shop

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