P & C Transmission

P & C Transmission

Auto Repair in Hicksville, NY

Auto Repair

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Hicksville, NY,
Hicksville , NY 11801 UNITED STATES

About P & C Transmission

P & C Transmission offers your car the best diagnostic service and care. Give us a call.


P & C Transmission 516-200-6722
Hicksville, NY,
Hicksville , NY 11801 UNITED STATES
P & C Transmission 5

Based on 1 reviews

P & C Transmission 516-200-6722
Hicksville, NY,
Hicksville , NY 11801 UNITED STATES
5 5

Thanks as alway for the quality work at P & C Transmission, but thank you most of all for the flexibility and willingness to turn an unfortunate and difficult situation into a more positive experience. It is precisely that kind of customer service that will keep P & C Transmission at the top of its field
posted at 04/01/14

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P & C Transmission
Auto Repair
5.0 (1 reviews)
ferential repair,  auto repair,  truck transmission repair rebuilt transmission
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