Law Offices Of Loretta A Burnett

Law Offices Of Loretta A Burnett

Lawyers and Law Firms in Colorado Springs, CO

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411 Lakewood Circle,
Colorado Springs , CO 80910 UNITED STATES

About Law Offices Of Loretta A Burnett

One of the biggest pieces of incorrect information on bankruptcy law is that your credit will be ruined for up to 10 years if you file. While it's true that it can take up to 10 years for a filing to be discharged from your credit report, that doesn't mean that you'll be unable to get a loan. Some people find that their credit score can be as high as 700 within just a few short years.


Law Offices Of Loretta A Burnett 719-347-1956
411 Lakewood Circle,
Colorado Springs , CO 80910 UNITED STATES
Law Offices Of Loretta A Burnett

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