The Hackney Law Firm

The Hackney Law Firm

Lawyers and Law Firms in Homewood, AL

Lawyers and Law Firms

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2714 20th Street South,
Homewood , AL 35209 UNITED STATES

About The Hackney Law Firm

Generally, they are qualified "trial lawyers", though most personal injury cases settle "out of court", rather than go to trial. They must adhere to both professional and ethical codes of conduct set down by the bar association. Once registered to practice law with the bar association, They can legally file legal complaints, argue cases, draft legal documents, and offer personal injury advice to victims.


The Hackney Law Firm 205-208-4992
2714 20th Street South,
Homewood , AL 35209 UNITED STATES
The Hackney Law Firm

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The Hackney Law Firm
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The Hackney Law Firm

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