Kernel Locksmith

Kernel Locksmith

Keys & Locksmiths in Milford, CT

Keys & Locksmiths

Contact us


47 Monroe St,
Milford , CT 06460 UNITED STATES

About Kernel Locksmith

We do not make replacements are duplicates auto keys.

If youre seeking a locksmith who can get the job done and isnt looking to simply take you for a ride, then youve come to the right place. Kernel Locksmith is an experienced locksmith service. Our goal is to offer our customers affordable service no matter the job in question. Whether youre looking to replace a series of locks or have accidentally locked your keys inside your car and need an immediate hand, you can count on us for prompt, reliable service that wont break the bank.

Why Choose Us?
24/7 Emergency Services
Fully Licensed & Insured
Certified Master Locksmiths
Locally Owned & Operated
Quick Response Time
Punctual, Professional Staff
High Quality Work

Give us a call today!


Kernel Locksmith 203-747-1131
47 Monroe St,
Milford , CT 06460 UNITED STATES
Kernel Locksmith

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Kernel Locksmith
Keys & Locksmiths
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