SafeRide America

SafeRide America

Packaging and Shipping Services in Atlanta, GA

Packaging and Shipping Services Public Transportation

Contact us


5825 Glenridge Dr, Building 3 Suite 110
Atlanta , GA 30328 UNITED STATES

About SafeRide America

The SafeRide America program is a non-profit charity, to be used as a tool to get impaired individuals AND their cars safely home for about the same or less than Uber, Lyft or a taxi. The SafeRide America program provides access to professional teams of two (2) drivers. One SafeRide driver will drive the patron and their car for them while the other SafeRide driver follows behind in a “chase car”.


SafeRide America 404-888-0887
5825 Glenridge Dr, Building 3 Suite 110
Atlanta , GA 30328 UNITED STATES
SafeRide America

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SafeRide America
Packaging and Shipping Services
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SafeRide America

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