Highline Imports Inc.

Highline Imports Inc.

Auto Dealers in Birmingham, AL

Auto Dealers Auto Parts and Accessories

Contact us


329 24th Street S,
Birmingham , AL 35233 UNITED STATES

About Highline Imports Inc.

Buying a car is one of the most important decisions that you can make. The average American spends 5 hours a week commuting to work. That's 260 HOURS a year that you will spend in your car commuting! This is why it is so important for us to help you find the right car at the right price.

At Highline Imports we strive to pair you with a luxury vehicle that has all the amenities you deserve at an affordable price. Why settle for anything less?

Located in the booming Mid-Town district, Highline Imports is a proud member of the Birmingham community and is family owned and locally operated. Not only do we strive to provide the BEST service to our local community, we also serve clients all over the southeast!

We provide a premier experience that is matched only by the beautiful cars we offer. After you find the car that is right for you we will continue to serve you by offering detailing, repair, and maintenance services!


Highline Imports Inc. 205-715-0005
329 24th Street S,
Birmingham , AL 35233 UNITED STATES
Highline Imports Inc.

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Highline Imports Inc.

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