Lonjean Cheveux Studio

Lonjean Cheveux Studio

Hair Salons in Spring Valley, ca

Hair Salons Make-up and Cosmetics Beauty Salons and Services

Contact us


9239 Campo Road Ste A,
Spring Valley , ca 91977 UNITED STATES

About Lonjean Cheveux Studio

Our staff and management at Lonjean Cheveux Studio are in the business of offering the utmost professional hair care and service, in a warm, serene, and friendly environment. We provide a multicultural atmosphere where everyone is welcome. We believe our clientele to be the most valuable assets in our profession and we always strive to exceed their overall expectations. We take pride in providing the greatest service with the best care.



Lonjean Cheveux Studio 619-254-4963
9239 Campo Road Ste A,
Spring Valley , ca 91977 UNITED STATES
Lonjean Cheveux Studio

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Lonjean Cheveux Studio
Hair Salons
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Lonjean Cheveux Studio

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