Jim Lyberis Remodeling

Jim Lyberis Remodeling

Contractors in Toledo, Oregon


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397 NE 1st St,
Toledo , Oregon 97391 UNITED STATES

About Jim Lyberis Remodeling

With over 30 years experience with general contracting, James Lyberis Remodeling can help build your dreams

General Contractor, Bathroom Remodeling Contractor, Remodeling Contractor, Residential Remodeling, Remodeling


Jim Lyberis Remodeling 541-961-0245
397 NE 1st St,
Toledo , Oregon 97391 UNITED STATES
Jim Lyberis Remodeling 5

Based on 1 reviews

Jim Lyberis Remodeling 541-961-0245
397 NE 1st St,
Toledo , Oregon 97391 UNITED STATES
5 5

I felt there was a true Jim Lyberis Remodeling when we built our building, The Blur Store. We have used Jim Lyberis Remodeling on other projects and will continue to use them on future ones. I would highly recommend them.
posted at 03/20/14

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Jim Lyberis Remodeling
5.0 (1 reviews)
general contractor,  bathroom remodeling contractors,  remodeling contractors remodeling
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