Trademark Classic

Trademark Classic

Auto Repair in Dillsburg, PA

Auto Repair Auto Inspection Stations (emissions)

Contact us


711 Harrisburg Pike,
Dillsburg , PA 17019 UNITED STATES

About Trademark Classic

At Trademark Classics we have the facility and craftsmen to bring your dreams to reality. It is no surprise that building a Muscle Car to the highest level costs money, but it should still be approached with efficiency in mind at all times. We do the little things when restoring a Muscle Car in order to give you the ultimate quality and be as efficient as possible. When having a Muscle Car built or repaired, it makes sense to visit a facility in person and meet the people who will be building your project first hand. We aren't "grease monkeys", and love the opportunity to prove it. Once you witness our quality system you will be confident that you have chosen the right company. For those of you who are extremely pressed for time and simply can not get away, we have put our website together so that you can be here without setting foot out of your office.


Trademark Classic 717-432-9008
711 Harrisburg Pike,
Dillsburg , PA 17019 UNITED STATES
Trademark Classic

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Trademark Classic
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