Empire Games

Empire Games

Hobby & Model Shops in Las Vegas, NV

Hobby & Model Shops Book Stores Toys and Books For Children

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5447 S Rainbow Blvd Ste E5,
Las Vegas , NV 89118 UNITED STATES

About Empire Games

Warhammer 40k, Magic the Gathering Heroclix and more

Looking for Warhammer 40k, Warmmmer, Magic the Gathering? This is the game store you are looking for. Shop our large selection of table top games and CCG's in-store or online!

There’s always something new going on at Game Empire every day! From game tournaments, leagues, and organized play to new releases and more, you can find out about all of the latest news when you follow us on Facebook. Here’s some of the most recent happenings!

Contact us today.


Empire Games 702-220-5014
5447 S Rainbow Blvd Ste E5,
Las Vegas , NV 89118 UNITED STATES
Empire Games

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Empire Games
Hobby & Model Shops
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Empire Games

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