Shalom Torah Academy of East Windsor

Shalom Torah Academy of East Windsor

Religious Organizations in East Windsor, NJ

Religious Organizations Specialty Schools Private Schools

Contact us


639 Abbington Drive,
East Windsor , NJ 08520 UNITED STATES

About Shalom Torah Academy of East Windsor

Shalom Torah Academy strives to provide an excellent education in both the English and Hebrew curriculum, with warmth, care, and professionalism. Our students are ambitious and are encouraged to reach their potential (and higher!), yet they are not overly-pressured, as in many schools today. Community spirit, love of the Jewish People and Israel, and responsibility and consideration for others are integral parts of a Shalom education.


Shalom Torah Academy of East Windsor 609-443-4877
639 Abbington Drive,
East Windsor , NJ 08520 UNITED STATES
Shalom Torah Academy of East Windsor

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Shalom Torah Academy of East Windsor
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Shalom Torah Academy of East Windsor

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