Insurance in Atlanta, GA
Insurance • Financial and Investment Services
2625 Piedmont Road,
Atlanta ,
I use tax-advantaged strategies to help people improve their quality of life before and during retirement.
You do amazing things while you're alive! I believe your life insurance should too!
For those in accumulation (working) years, we use a vehicle called Indexed Universal Life (IUL). Aggressively build cash value which can be accessed tax-free via policy loans. Never lose a dime because of market declines. If structured and funded correctly you can effectively create a “Tax-Free Retirement.”
For retirees & pre-retirees, we use Fixed Indexed (Deferred) Annuities. These grow tax-deferred & are linked to a market index. When the market goes up you get part of the gain. Market goes down you lose nothing. Use it to create a lifetime income you cannot outlive or simply use it for reasonable accumulation without the downside risk. Can you afford to lose 40% (again) in a market correction? We can help you roll over an existing qualified plan (401K, 403b, IRA, etc.) or start a new account.
We also offer a full portfolio of traditional life insurance and fixed annuity products from 20 of the World's best carriers with the most competitive rates/premiums and in some cases liberal underwriting.
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