Elite Urgent Care Centers

Elite Urgent Care Centers

Health and Medical in Costa Mesa, ca

Health and Medical

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2077 Harbor Blvd Suite #A,
Costa Mesa , ca 92627 UNITED STATES

About Elite Urgent Care Centers

A New Level of Health Care.Changes in our health care system are all aournd us. We wanted to do our part in taking your medical care to a new level. While technology and health care insurance has helped medicine evolve we thought it was important to grow and incorporate this new medicine into our system, but never lose sight of the fact that the msot important thing to the patient is to get hte health care they need when they need it. So we offer Urgent Care the way it's meant to be. The highest level of quality medical care all in a convenient and affordable package.


Elite Urgent Care Centers 310-988-0177
2077 Harbor Blvd Suite #A,
Costa Mesa , ca 92627 UNITED STATES
Elite Urgent Care Centers

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Elite Urgent Care Centers
Health and Medical
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Elite Urgent Care Centers

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