McCarthy Tire Service

McCarthy Tire Service

Auto Repair in Winchester, VA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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2720 Valley Avenue,
Winchester , VA 22601 UNITED STATES

About McCarthy Tire Service

McCarthy Tire Service offers top-quality tire sales and service for commercial, industrial, industrial, agricultural, off-the-road (OTR), and retail customers. We are the 6th largest commercial tire dealer in the US, and one of the top 50 retail tire dealers in the country. We feature 24-hour emergency roadside tire service and retread manufacturing for commercial trucks. Many of our locations provide preventative maintenance and mechanical repairs for cars and trucks - light duty pick-ups up to heavy-duty trucks. McCarthy Tire is proud to be a fourth-generation family business serving the transportation industry since 1926!


McCarthy Tire Service 540-662-8333
2720 Valley Avenue,
Winchester , VA 22601 UNITED STATES
McCarthy Tire Service

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McCarthy Tire Service
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McCarthy Tire Service

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